Day 7 – Refocusing
If you want to an example of rambling, just read my last post. LOL!
This writing thing is a truly a process. Now I understand why “writer’s block” exists. Many people are under the misconception that the creative process is all spontaneity. Boy are they wrong!
It requires much discipline to put your thoughts and ideas on paper. As I have learned…you will have many starts and stops in this process. There will be days…weeks…maybe months when you produce nothing. Many times you will be cooking…just moving along…and then slam into a wall of “it-just-ain’t-working.”
So this 21-day exercise is about working through those moments. It’s easy to become discouraged. I actually have at least three other books in progress. But I know Fancy’s story is just going to be the one…I just know it. So I am challenging myself to write. And I will write even if I just echo the craziness going on around me or inside my head.
And God knows I need the discipline! I haven’t always had it. That would explain my addictions to shoes…purses…lingerie…the list goes on and on. I just have an addictive personality. Any time that I have had to overcome something…I have had to put it in writing. So to overcome my procrastination, laziness and lack of focus…all of which have slowed down my novel’s release…I have to write about something each day during this 21-day period.
And I am encouraged. I can truly do this. I know I was born to do this. Today, Oprah Winfrey posted the following on her Facebook wall:
“What I know for sure is this. You are built not to shrink down to less, but to blossom into more. To be more splendid. To be more extraordinary. To use every moment to fill yourself. “
And when has Oprah ever been wrong? LOL!
If you want to an example of rambling, just read my last post. LOL!
This writing thing is a truly a process. Now I understand why “writer’s block” exists. Many people are under the misconception that the creative process is all spontaneity. Boy are they wrong!
It requires much discipline to put your thoughts and ideas on paper. As I have learned…you will have many starts and stops in this process. There will be days…weeks…maybe months when you produce nothing. Many times you will be cooking…just moving along…and then slam into a wall of “it-just-ain’t-working.”
So this 21-day exercise is about working through those moments. It’s easy to become discouraged. I actually have at least three other books in progress. But I know Fancy’s story is just going to be the one…I just know it. So I am challenging myself to write. And I will write even if I just echo the craziness going on around me or inside my head.
And God knows I need the discipline! I haven’t always had it. That would explain my addictions to shoes…purses…lingerie…the list goes on and on. I just have an addictive personality. Any time that I have had to overcome something…I have had to put it in writing. So to overcome my procrastination, laziness and lack of focus…all of which have slowed down my novel’s release…I have to write about something each day during this 21-day period.
And I am encouraged. I can truly do this. I know I was born to do this. Today, Oprah Winfrey posted the following on her Facebook wall:
“What I know for sure is this. You are built not to shrink down to less, but to blossom into more. To be more splendid. To be more extraordinary. To use every moment to fill yourself. “
And when has Oprah ever been wrong? LOL!