Big C often teases me about over-thinking. He will sniff the air and tell me he smells fried brain. He occasionally points at my head and swears he sees smoke billowing from my ears. The silly man even claims he often watches me while I sleep and based upon my facial expressions, my mind has to be processing a billion thoughts. And the fact that I am known to suddenly open my eyes and start carrying on a conversation with him only adds to his argument. (That used to scare him back in the day…I guess he is used to it now!)
He’s probably right. I do think a lot. Random thoughts just pop into my head and I find myself easily distracted by them. That definitely explains why I am struggling with my novel. Maybe I have adult ADHD. I don’t really believe that. I am more apt to believe that my multi-tasking personality extends to my brain activity. So in the middle of one thought, I can easily begin another.
At our Baptist association’s last bi-monthly women’s session, we had a Christmas luncheon. It was just a chance for us to sit and truly fellowship with each other. It was a great time. Well, there were door prizes, and I won one. When I removed the pretty glitter-sprinkled, lavender and silver wrapping paper, I discovered a journal. It was absolutely the best thing I have ever won.
So I now take that thing with me every where. And I write all the time. I outline my blog posts there just in case I can’t get to a computer right away or post on the Website. Every random thought that comes into my head goes in the book. Who knows…my next book may come from it.
Well as I was perusing the book earlier today, I came across several of the random thoughts that had found there way into my journal. I was looking for a little blog inspiration. I suddenly realized that Big C was on point. I do over-think. Is it just me?
For instance, I noted one day that Wal-mart’s Supercenter’s layout is an exercise in entrapment marketing. They have made sure that you can never go in and simply walk out with the item you intended to purchase. Think about the design of most of the ones you have frequented. You can never stay on one side of the store. And how about all of the items you realize you really need once you eye them at the checkout counter? If you really don’t want to overspend, you better not go in that place hungry. How in the devil did I walk into the place the other day to buy a package of sliced cheese and walk out with $98.32 in groceries?
And have you ever sat in one of those meetings where you were encouraged to bring some new ideas to table? Who are you fooling boss man…excuse me…I need to be politically correct now….boss? I know that once I make this suggestion I just added to my workload. And you better not make the mistake of announcing that you have completed all of your tasks during that meeting? Somebody is going to serve you up something else you have to digest and regurgitate.
I also believe that I have a sign written in invisible ink on my forehead that reads “Tell me…I’ll listen.” Either that or I am a magnet for chronic complainers. I have just come to realize that these people bring their pity dish to me so that they can spoon it into my ears and make room on their plate for more. And when they walk away from me, why is it that I have a sudden desire to put on my rattiest PJs, close up in my bedroom and listen to Sade on rotation all day?
Three days ago I noted that I am wasting my time getting up earlier or selecting and preparing my outfit before I go to bed at night. I am not a morning person. And when you are not a morning person, any attempt to get up early will fail. That’s just more time to think about why you hate getting up so early or to figure out how many sick days or personal days you have accumulated.
Just yesterday I wrote that I, along with so many of my friends, am now part of the sandwich generation. We are the ones who juggling the needs of our children and our elderly or ill parents. And a few of us are responsible for the care of grandchildren. What a big sandwich to chew!
I guess the crazy news about the financial woes of my department at work inspired a day of crazy thoughts on January 3. Let’s see…first I wrote that “you must prepare to fall at the beginning of your walk. It makes it easier to jump back up, dust yourself off and continue with your journey.” Then further down on the page, I jotted down this little nugget: “Sometimes you have to toss down the shovel and climb out of the hole. We can lose such valuable time digging when we just need to walk away.”
And I am really not sure what organization inspired this next one or which meeting I was attending. On January 6, I noted that “those who faithfully invest in followers with be supported by followers who faithfully invest in them.” Maybe I was anticipating my next career move as a campaign speech writer or motivational speaker. LOL
This last one is my favorite so far and will close today’s post. "We are so often taught to plan for the future and learn from our past. That’s pretty good advice, but while engaged in both, we better learn how to live it up now. Tomorrow won’t come until you have dealt with today and the past can’t be undone.
He’s probably right. I do think a lot. Random thoughts just pop into my head and I find myself easily distracted by them. That definitely explains why I am struggling with my novel. Maybe I have adult ADHD. I don’t really believe that. I am more apt to believe that my multi-tasking personality extends to my brain activity. So in the middle of one thought, I can easily begin another.
At our Baptist association’s last bi-monthly women’s session, we had a Christmas luncheon. It was just a chance for us to sit and truly fellowship with each other. It was a great time. Well, there were door prizes, and I won one. When I removed the pretty glitter-sprinkled, lavender and silver wrapping paper, I discovered a journal. It was absolutely the best thing I have ever won.
So I now take that thing with me every where. And I write all the time. I outline my blog posts there just in case I can’t get to a computer right away or post on the Website. Every random thought that comes into my head goes in the book. Who knows…my next book may come from it.
Well as I was perusing the book earlier today, I came across several of the random thoughts that had found there way into my journal. I was looking for a little blog inspiration. I suddenly realized that Big C was on point. I do over-think. Is it just me?
For instance, I noted one day that Wal-mart’s Supercenter’s layout is an exercise in entrapment marketing. They have made sure that you can never go in and simply walk out with the item you intended to purchase. Think about the design of most of the ones you have frequented. You can never stay on one side of the store. And how about all of the items you realize you really need once you eye them at the checkout counter? If you really don’t want to overspend, you better not go in that place hungry. How in the devil did I walk into the place the other day to buy a package of sliced cheese and walk out with $98.32 in groceries?
And have you ever sat in one of those meetings where you were encouraged to bring some new ideas to table? Who are you fooling boss man…excuse me…I need to be politically correct now….boss? I know that once I make this suggestion I just added to my workload. And you better not make the mistake of announcing that you have completed all of your tasks during that meeting? Somebody is going to serve you up something else you have to digest and regurgitate.
I also believe that I have a sign written in invisible ink on my forehead that reads “Tell me…I’ll listen.” Either that or I am a magnet for chronic complainers. I have just come to realize that these people bring their pity dish to me so that they can spoon it into my ears and make room on their plate for more. And when they walk away from me, why is it that I have a sudden desire to put on my rattiest PJs, close up in my bedroom and listen to Sade on rotation all day?
Three days ago I noted that I am wasting my time getting up earlier or selecting and preparing my outfit before I go to bed at night. I am not a morning person. And when you are not a morning person, any attempt to get up early will fail. That’s just more time to think about why you hate getting up so early or to figure out how many sick days or personal days you have accumulated.
Just yesterday I wrote that I, along with so many of my friends, am now part of the sandwich generation. We are the ones who juggling the needs of our children and our elderly or ill parents. And a few of us are responsible for the care of grandchildren. What a big sandwich to chew!
I guess the crazy news about the financial woes of my department at work inspired a day of crazy thoughts on January 3. Let’s see…first I wrote that “you must prepare to fall at the beginning of your walk. It makes it easier to jump back up, dust yourself off and continue with your journey.” Then further down on the page, I jotted down this little nugget: “Sometimes you have to toss down the shovel and climb out of the hole. We can lose such valuable time digging when we just need to walk away.”
And I am really not sure what organization inspired this next one or which meeting I was attending. On January 6, I noted that “those who faithfully invest in followers with be supported by followers who faithfully invest in them.” Maybe I was anticipating my next career move as a campaign speech writer or motivational speaker. LOL
This last one is my favorite so far and will close today’s post. "We are so often taught to plan for the future and learn from our past. That’s pretty good advice, but while engaged in both, we better learn how to live it up now. Tomorrow won’t come until you have dealt with today and the past can’t be undone.